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Sep 8, 2023

Car insurance is mandatory to legally operate a vehicle on public roads. It protects assets and ensures financial responsibility in case of accidents. Before purchasing insurance, though, do your research to get a good deal, as insurance rates and coverage options vary widely among providers. If you’re not sure where to start, our team at Porsche Beachwood can help. 

3 Things to Know About Getting Car Insurance for Your Porsche

1. There Are Several Ways to Save Money 

If you want to pay less, there are several key strategies to consider. First, opting to pay your insurance premium annually rather than on a monthly basis can often lead to substantial savings. Monthly payments often come with administrative fees, while annual payments may offer discounts. Secondly, shopping around and comparing quotes from different insurance providers is crucial. 
Each insurer assesses risk and sets rates differently, so obtaining multiple quotes allows you to find the most cost-effective option. Lastly, estimate your mileage accurately. Low mileage can result in lower premiums, as it reduces the likelihood of accidents. That’s why overestimating your mileage can lead to higher premiums than necessary. By providing an accurate estimate, you can ensure that you are not paying for coverage you don’t need.

2. You Can Choose from Several Types of Insurance 

Before you buy insurance, make sure you know what the various options are and which one is the most suitable for you. Liability coverage is essential as it covers injury and property damage you might cause to others. Comprehensive coverage takes care of non-collision damage, including theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. 
Collision coverage, on the other hand, handles repair or replacement costs following an accident. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage provides protection if you’re in an accident with a driver who lacks sufficient insurance. Research these different policies and speak to an insurance agent to get a tailored plan for your Porsche.

3. Your Dealership Can Help 

The Beachwood dealership is an invaluable partner when it comes to securing the right insurance coverage for your Porsche. When you purchase a car from us, we will provide you with the necessary documentation and vehicle history, streamlining the insurance application process. 
We have a deep understanding of the latest safety features available for your specific model and can guide you in selecting the ones that may help lower your insurance premiums. Additionally, we can assist in documenting your car’s condition and value, which is essential for accurate coverage. 
Porsche insurance doesn’t have to be expensive if you’re careful about selecting the right coverage and taking advantage of available discounts. Reach out to us at Porsche Beachwood to learn more about vehicle insurance. We’ll be delighted to explain the various policies in greater detail and help you find insurance that provides a lot of value for the money spent.