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Dec 27, 2021

When your radiator is malfunctioning, your engine may not be able to remain within normal operating temperature. This can cause very serious damage. Eventually, you may even need to replace your motor. Luckily, you don’t need to let things get that far. Instead, you can keep an eye out for common signs you need to schedule a radiator repair at your local Porsche dealer.

How Can You Tell When Your Porsche Needs a Radiator

Your Engine Overheats

If your engine gets too hot when you drive, it is probably time to bring your Porsche in to have your radiator fixed. It is advisable to check your dashboard every once in a while when you’re driving to ensure your motor is still operating within the normal temperature range. If you notice that your engine is dangerously hot, immediately run your car’s heat as high as it will go.

This won’t cool off your engine completely, but it will take a little strain off of your radiator. As soon as it is safe to do so, pull your vehicle over and turn off your motor. Set a 15-minute timer and do not turn your motor back on until the timer has gone off. If your motor is still too hot, turn your motor off and continue to wait. Also, you should check your coolant level while you are waiting for your motor to cool off. Top off the coolant reservoir if it is too low.

Your Exhaust Blows White Smoke

White smoke coming out of your exhaust is an indication that coolant is leaking into your combustion chamber. If you notice a copious amount of white smoke coming out of your exhaust, you must check your coolant level.

Your Coolant Level Is Low

Also, your radiator may need to be repaired if your coolant level is low. To mitigate the risk of your motor overheating and becoming damaged, check your coolant level monthly. If it is low, or it is far lower than it was the last time you checked it, schedule an immediate service appointment. Even if there is no sign that your coolant is leaking into your combustion chamber, losing coolant over time is a clear sign that you have a coolant leak.

Since your radiator is a closed system, there is clearly a serious problem if you are losing coolant. If there isn’t enough coolant in the reservoir, your radiator can’t do its job, and your engine will overheat. If your coolant level is too low, you need to top it off before you drive your vehicle again. Ideally, you should top it off with coolant. However, if you don’t have any coolant, you can top it off with water.

Signs your radiator needs to be repaired include an overheating engine, white smoke coming out of your exhaust, and a low coolant level. Schedule an immediate service appointment at Porsche Beachwood on Chagrin Blvd if you’ve been noticing any of the aforementioned signs of radiator failure.