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Apr 25, 2022

If you have never gotten involved in a vehicular accident, then the prospect of collision repair can seem daunting. Many drivers don’t care about this process, wanting instead to get to the end result. However, it’s important to have some understanding of the repair process at your local Porsche dealer. You will learn the amount of time, labor, and costs involved in Porsche repair.

Need a Collision Repair

Getting the Estimate at the Porsche Dealer

The car repair process starts with getting an estimate. An estimator at the car dealer will perform this task. Once you finish the paperwork and the estimation is complete, someone will then take photos of your vehicle. Once this step gets completed, all of the information that was gathered during this step will get forwarded to both you and your insurance company. 

Disassembling Your Vehicle

At this time, your insurance company may request a teardown of your vehicle. This is done to ensure that all damages are not only accounted for but to find out if your vehicle still requires repair services. When you and your insurance company provide permission for the repairs, your car dealer will then order all of the required parts. 

The Repair Process

In this part of the repair process, an automatic measuring system will analyze your vehicle so that it can get restored to factory specifications. This occurs so that the frame of your car retains its original structure. In some cases, wheel alignment as well as other types of suspension repair will get completed.

The Paint Process

The paint preparation process remains a crucial element of the refinishing of your vehicle. Your body shop prepares the panels for the paint before the priming and sealing begin. This then turns into superior adhesion when the top color and additional coating get applied to your vehicle. 

Reassembly and Inspection

In this part of the repair process, the moldings and detail pieces get returned to the vehicle. Your vehicular systems will also get inspected during this time. Your vehicle will then get washed, along with a thorough cleaning of your car’s interior. Someone may then test drive your car. This gets done to ensure that the repaired parts operate smoothly when the car is driven. 

Final Delivery

When you arrive to pick up your vehicle, you will just have to sign the required paperwork and receive the final bill. Once this step is completed, you can then drive off in your vehicle, which has gotten back to its pre-repair state,

Getting involved in a collision can often turn into a stressful affair. Some of this stress can get relieved by taking your vehicle to a dealer who is deeply knowledgeable about Porsches. If your Porsche is in need of collision services, please don’t delay.

Call or drop into Porsche Beachwood for more information. The sooner you get repair services completed, the sooner your vehicle will be as good as new.