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Dec 30, 2022

The check engine light on your dashboard might indicate something as simple as an improperly screwed-on gas cap. On the other hand, it might be drawing your attention to a more serious problem with your engine, transmission, catalytic converter, or another important part of your Porsche. Let’s take a look at three common reasons for a blinking engine warning light. Whenever you see it, visit your local Porsche dealer promptly to diagnose the cause.

Why Is Your Engine Warning Light Turning On_Porsche Beachwood

Engine Trouble

Of course, the check engine light usually indicates engine trouble first and foremost. Your Porsche’s engine is filled with sophisticated sensors. If one of them triggers your check engine light to turn on, it might point to a clogged air filter, a faulty oxygen sensor, or problems with your ignition coils or spark plugs.

The problem might also be oil-related, such as an oil leak or a failing oil pump. Alternatively, it could be an issue with your cooling system, like a blocked radiator or leaking coolant. Any of these problems will switch on the check engine light and cause your engine to lose power.

Transmission Problems

Perhaps the second most critical part of your car is the transmission, which converts the legendary power of the Porsche Boxer engine to the axles and wheels. A fault in your transmission will immediately disrupt your engine’s performance and trigger the check engine light.

Possible transmission trouble includes leaking fluid, slipping gears, and clutch failure. All of these will give you problems while switching gears accompanied by loud grinding and other disconcerting sounds.

Emission Issues

The airflow that supplies the engine with oxygen requires a steady, uninhibited release of air and emissions through the exhaust and tailpipe. If a problem develops anywhere in the exhaust system, it will negatively impact engine performance and trigger the check engine light.

An exhaust system can sometimes spring a leak. As most of it lies under your car, parts can occasionally get dented or knocked loose. If the catalytic converter is ever damaged, it will play havoc with the proper functioning of your car.

How Quickly Should You Visit Your Porsche Dealer?

You might wonder how urgently you should respond to the check engine light blinking on. If you can’t yet detect any odd sounds, smells, sensations, smoke, or drops in performance, then you can probably safely drive to your nearest dealership. Just take care not to accelerate too quickly or shift gears a lot.

If the check engine light is accompanied by obvious signs of distress, pull over right away and try to diagnose the problem. Identifying and fixing things early on will spare you plenty of headaches and money spent on more expensive repair jobs down the road.

Have an experienced technician who specializes in Porsche vehicles check your car today at Porsche Beachwood. We’re a one-stop automotive stop for all the region’s Porsche drivers.